Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Friends and Poker (this is a poet from A, about our friendship)

A, kuliah di jurusan literature dan sangat2 menjiwai kuliahnya (saya jg dulunya tamatan literature sastra, tp yah gtu tamat cuma skdar tamat doang, wkwkwk).. dan dia juga berhasil bikin puisi poker buat kami semua, hahaa...

Friends and Poker

by Aalia Boodoo on Saturday, December 25, 2010 at 1:45pm
Is this our fate?
To this very date,
We fold nine three,
and guess what we see???

Oh, look I got ace ace,
 their chips I can taste.
 Yes! It will soon be mine,
 then my bank will be fine!
 Oh wait, what was that???
 Omg, what a river rat!
 He called me with crap;
 he thought he played a trap!

This is so not real,
 dealer learn to deal!
Jynga, get a clue,
 we will soon sue!

My friends know well,
 by their chips I can tell....
 Always up and down,
 bad luck please drown!

We have rotten luck,
 we see AA, we are fuck-ed.
 SSS is to blame, :)
 for her cursed name!

Maxx wore the crown,
 for the weekly pot won.
Next day, his chips are zero.
 And then back again to hero. >.-

CCC is a poker beast,
 Chips are her feast.
 Until hackers come along,
 to do her terrible wrong.  :'(

Moon often comes by,
 with chips to match his try.
 All ins and bad beats,
 becareful with those seats!

Marthio is a sneaky ninja,
 who sneaks into danger.
 He plays 1 mill blinds with 10 mill chips,
 How does he win his chips??? lool

AT is wild and reckless,
 his bets are a messy test.
 He bet me 50 mill.  Was I scared?
 I called, won, and dared. :p

Poker is fun when we win,
 even though gambling is a "sin,"
 we will all go to to Hell together,
 and live there forever!  :D

But like feathers,
 we stick together,
 in any type of weather,
 for always and the better.  ^.^

We are from different places,
 with different faces and races.
 But, we come together as equals,
 in hopes to continue our sequels.

Maxx and his wisdom,
 stories of a kingdom.

Cinta and her honesty,
 of grace and simplicity.

Moon and his warmth,
 of tender growth.

Marthio and his kindness,
 with intentions of goodness.

AT and his care,
 with a heart to share.

SSSS and her pure spirit,
 of all her worthy merit.

You guys are amazing
 and are worth praising.
 Hope you enjoyed this!
 Otherwise, you're deleted from my friend's list!

poker dan teman2

saya suka maen poker online via facebook (zynga, apalagi?) udah sejak awal 2010,,, gara2 teman saya si Deby, yg sebegitu ngebet en jagonya, ampe pernah jualan chip mpe dapat berjuta2 rupiah.. untunglah dia sadar pada akhirnya itu duit nya duit ga bener, dan dia sumbangin deh duitnya (ga tau ya diterima apa engga tuh amalnya, wkwk).

awal mo serius pokeran, saya bikin deh akun fiktif dgn nama Shirley (terinspirasi kripik balado niy dulu), soalnya kalo pake akun real, busyet temen2 minta chip kebangetan, mpe chip cuma 200.000 aja msh juga diminta... Deby juga punya akun sendiri pake nama Cinta, en satu lagi temen gw Planet (panggilan real, ntah darimana ini asalnya)  bikin akun pake nama Marthio.. udah bisa ditebaklah, yg jago siapaa.. so pasti si Cinta... sedang shirley dan marthio, hanya dua org gembel yg selalu mengharapkan sedikit chip... jarang banget kami menang secara bersamaan, apalagi kalo C udah punya ratusan M, mau berapapun chip saya dan marthio, bakal abis ajaaaa.. hihih...

ketika maen, pasti ada aja temenan ama bbrapa pemain dr antah berantah, dan saya jg akhirnya menemukan bbrapa org teman dari bbrapa negara, dan ini juga yg bikin pokeran jd makin enak... gileee....di next blog saya bakal cerita detail ttg cerita2 di meja poker...

Aalia Boodoo : ini, teman bule pertama saya di poker.. awalnya cuma krn dia say hi ke temannya yg semeja dengan saya, dan mereka ngobrol dan sy mengikuti pembicaraannya.. en dia lucu abis, lucu bangettt pokoknye ampe saya tulis di chat 'u re funny'. jiah, kata2 mujarab itu yg bikin kita temenan...

Mamoon Rashid : ini cowok aslinya dari Palestina, tp kerja di London... kenal dia dari Aalia juga... trus akhirnya nyangkut juga jd temen saya.

Atiq Riaz : aslinya gw ga tau, tp menetap di London dan kerja disana...niy asli ancur en kejam banget mainnya, sesama temen aja bisa nge raise ampe 50m.... tp dia jago, dari 4m stgh jam kmudaian bisa jd 50m, tp habis jg gara2 maen gila...

Maxime Bilodeau : this guy is annoying at first :p mentang2 byk chip, eh sok banget ampe maless.. tp ntah knapa ya saya msh jg temenan ma dia.. oh tnyata dia jg dekat ma Aalia, tp pada akhirnya kita tu temenan baik, ampe betah pokeran ma dia 8jam nonstop jiah...he's from Canada, bahasa France tp bisa Inggris jd samalah bakunya ama bahasa saya kalau lg ngobrol, haahaha

ini bukti kalo gw pernah nyampe 1B, hahahaa... skrg siy dah jd gembel lagi :p